About Patient

The staff at CarlsbaDDS Pediatric Smiles is committed to providing excellent dental care in a comfortable environment where patients can relax and feel at ease. Here you will find information on what to expect during your first appointment along with links to patient forms and paperwork.

We are happy to hear from you, answer your questions, and schedule an appointment. Call CarlsbaDDS Pediatric Smiles at 760-730-3456 or stop by our office. 1285 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008.

New Patients

We collect medical history, on-going symptoms, and current medication information on the first visit.

A comprehensive file consisting of all required health documents and history helps us understand a patient’s case as well as prevent various treatments that may interact with existing conditions or medications. This information, along with a physical examination and X-rays, allows us to curate an individualized treatment plan consisting of all required or recommended treatments. By the end of the consultation appointment, parents of patients should have a good understanding of what their treatment plan entails.

Downloadable Forms

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