Choosing the Right Toothbrush and Toothpaste: Advice From a Kids Dentist

Kids Dentist Carlsbad, CA

According to a kids dentist, many parents are unsure as to which toothbrush and toothpaste their child should use. Going to a store and looking at the wide selection available can be overwhelming. In this review, we offer advice from our kids dentist as to how parents can ensure that their child has the right toothbrush and toothpaste for their needs.

How to choose the right toothbrush and toothpaste

The type of toothbrush and toothpaste that parents choose for their child can play an integral role in the health of their primary teeth and gums. Here are several ways to ensure that a child uses the most suitable toothbrush and toothpaste every day.

Consider the child’s age

The child’s age makes a significant difference when it comes to their recommended toothbrush. Pediatric dentists typically recommend a silicone finger-slip toothbrush or a baby toothbrush with a small head for a toddler (a child under the age of three). Keep in mind that the parent should brush their child’s teeth for them during this time. The toothbrush can get larger as the child grows older. Still, they should continue using a kid-sized toothbrush until they reach the age of 10, at which point, they can switch to an adult-sized toothbrush.

Make sure the toothbrush has soft bristles

Children should only use soft-bristle toothbrushes, as this helps ensure that they are being gentle on their teeth and gums while they brush. Otherwise, they may damage the gums and/or cause the enamel to weaken due to excessive pressure. A soft-bristle toothbrush is also more comfortable.

Make sure the toothbrush has a comfortable handle

Children are still developing their motor skills, so brushing in an organized and comfortable fashion is not that easy for them. One great way to make it easier is to ensure that they have a soft and comfortable grip on a toothbrush that is the appropriate size.

Allow your child to choose the design

Ideally, the child should be excited about their toothbrush. To ensure that this is the case, allow them to choose it for themselves (after the size and bristle type have been selected). For instance, perhaps the child’s favorite color is purple, and their favorite TV character is Mickey Mouse. In this case, a purple Mickey Mouse toothbrush is a great way to get them excited about brushing each day.

Choose a fun, fluoride-based toothpaste

Parents can also have fun with the toothpaste that they choose. There are special kids' toothpastes that have fun branding and interesting flavors. As long as the toothpaste has fluoride and is approved by the American Dental Association, it should work well.

Schedule a visit with our kids dentist today

Here at our dental practice, we focus on the prevention of oral health concerns through preventive, diagnostic, and educational services. We are happy to help families in our local community, and we invite you to schedule a visit with us at a time that is convenient for you and your child.

Request an appointment here: or call CarlsbaDDS Pediatric Smiles at (760) 730-3456 for an appointment in our Carlsbad office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Pediatric Dentist in Carlsbad, CA.

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